Friday 21 March 2014

Baking weekend

I thought that i had lost my cooking mojo, but i think its finally back. 

It's'sbeen a busy Saturday putting the breadmaker through its paces, after wiping the dust off. Served up delicious pizzas on our own bases and have just taken the last batch of russian piroshki out of the oven.
Making it an international cookfest, have popped an eggplant into the oven to roast for baba ganoush.  Finally, a banana loaf is baking in the breadmaker. 
We are tired, but greatly pleased with our efforts. The house smells delicious! Cheers to finding my cooking mojo! Hope my crafting mojo is close by! 

Saturday 1 March 2014

Easy Sunday dinner

Weekends provide the time to try out new crafts and make those recipes that you have always wanted to try. Italian cuisine is a favourite in our home. After watching a few episodes of Italian Food Safari recently, I dug through my recipe books and found my copy of the recipe book from the same series. (Thanks wonderful brother for getting this for me!)
Tonight's efforts were inspired by a recipe they titled "traditional farmer's lunch". I added some chevapi for the meat lovers in my house but would leave it out next time. The vegetable combination is just perfect! A definite addition to my recipe repertoire.  

Rainy Day Activities

It's a cold, grey and very wet Saturday. Boredom busting activities are needed. Making a button coaster was our first project. Thanks to Sea Lemon for the great set of instructions.
This is the link to the instructions if you want to try it out:
This beautiful coaster will take pride of place on my desk on Monday!

After a successful craft project we ventured in to the kitchen to bake some aniseed ring cookies. I cannot remember which magazine my mother-in-law found this recipe in, but we have been making them for at least two years now. We take turns at the rolling and forming of the biscuits, I get to take over when she gets bored. Considering this recipe makes over 72 biscuits, you would have to expect it. These taste as amazing as they look and have been declared totally authentic by the expert (my father-in-law)!
Perfect on a pretty plate with a cup of coffee.

Our first adventure in blogger land

My daughter and I are always experimenting with new crafts and food recipes. My sister suggested ages ago that we should  write a blog to  share our experiments. I watched an episode of The Project last night and was inspired by Robyn Lawley's story about her food blog.
So here goes!